Monday, March 7, 2011

Interesting theory.

So while surfing the internet today I came across someone else's blog on breastfeeding. It takes another look at why breastfeeding effect everyone, and not just the family/mother who is breastfeeding. Its looks at the cost of not breastfeeding from the taxpayer perspective and WIC.

Not So Average Hippie Mommy made a blog about it. Her post Formula v. Breastfeeding takes a look at how we could save billions a year if every mom on WIC breastfeed their babies instead of buying formula. Yes, I said BILLIONS. That money could definitely be used elsewhere. No, this is NOT a hit on formula fed babies/moms nor is it a hit on WIC. I, myself, am I on WIC! But just think of how we promote breastfeeding then shun those mothers.

This status is now going around Facebook. Repost it on your wall, Twitter, myspace or whatever if you agree:
"Think breastfeeding has no impact on your life because you don't have children or you're not a woman? Think again. Here's a great reason for YOU to support breastfeeding women. If all WIC babies in the U.S. were breastfed, our economical savings would be $33,000,000 per month. Yes, BILLIONS every year."

This is another reason why I am trying to support another mother who cannot make her own milk. It SAVES MONEY. Things around here need to be re-thought. It shouldn't go brestmilk, formula. Plenty of mothers make more than enough milk for their babies and would share it if it didn't seem so taboo. It should go: mom's milk, donor HUMAN milk, then formula if necessary. Breastmilk and milk sharing is not disgusting, clinics could be set up to screen milk and donors with the saved money.

All we need to to establish better support systems for our pregnant mothers who want to nurse. That's just my opinion.

By the way, milk count: still at 3-4 ounces. Every attempt to pump today has not produced more than a drop. ):


  1. I read that blog too! Very interesting. I also read something awhile back about a proposition to allow WIC offices to put aside like 5 or 10% of their funding to donor breastmilk... can't recall where I read it or the link or whatever, but I think it's an awesome idea! :)
