Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 4: Made of Fail

So, I didn't get to blog yesterday. In fact, I didn't do much of anything yesterday. I'm sure you were all anxiously awaiting some amazing post saying I pumped a million ounces or something, but I didn't.

Actually, I spent most of the day in bathroom. I was throwing up among other things. I was very sick and I hated it. Not only was I unable to pump, I was barely able to feed my son. Thankfully, I did not have to go rush out for formula and my husband was home to occupy the kids.

So, I'm still sitting at 9 ounces of milk in my freezer since I'm just giving myself the rest of the weekend off to relax. My poor body is revolting against me. So tomorrow is a new day and hopefully I will be able to start again.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 3: Slow Goings

Today has been a rather slow day. I didn't get very much sleep for some reason last night so my live-in babysitter watched Teagan while I got some more sleep. I was very thankful. Once up, I got dressed and played Battle of the Stereos with the neighbor's upstairs. :roll: I cleaned up the mess around the apartment so it would be cleaned when my husband got home.

As far as pumping and milk goes, I've only taken one dose of fenugreek tonight. I forgot until about 3PM so I'll take another in about two hours. I pumped a little bit ago but I only got one ounce, which it better than none. It would seem I nipped another clogged duct in the bud again, I've had two now since my son was born and the previously blogged about one seems to be gone. I took a hot shower last night and massage my breast. Maybe it wasn't a clogged duct, but it sure as hell hurt like one.

Today has mostly been spent with the TV off and music on, cleaning, relaxing and spending the majority nursing Z. He's been such a hungry bug as of late and with my Tea-Tea acting up its hard to do everything I need to do to boost my supply up. SuperMommySometimes gave me some tips from a LLL leader in training to help me:

Here was what my friend told me today about upping your supply (besides the Fenugreek and regular nursing of Zander):
1. When you nurse, pump the other boob while you nurse.
2. Pump 1st thing in the morning.
3. Set specific times to pump, create a routine for yourself and your body.
4. Drink lot's of water!

Those are some easy things to follow and I'm working on setting into place. Good tips, if I do say so. And I appreciate them! I appreciate any tips, actually so if any of my readers have any, I'd love to hear them!

Day 2 1/2: A long night.

So, it looks like from here on out, you readers just might get more than one update in a 24 hour period. So much fun, right? Or too much time on my hands..probably the latter.

Either way, we're having a rough night at my house. My daughter has suddenly had a violent reaction to any cow's milk she drinks. She vomits. No matter what amount of milk she has, she vomits. Both times just so happened to be on my right leg, to be precise. Two baths later and I decided it was time to go to the store and get her something. I feel rather fortuitous to have a friend staying with us so that I could just go out and leave Tea-Tea here to rest. Z-meister came with me on this trip. Poor Tea-Tea, she was scared witless at puking it. It frightened her in all ways possible. So I made a trip to the store and got her some toddler Tums because I couldn't find anything else. Who knew they made those. I also grabbed her some crackers because my kid loves crackers and knew they would cheer her up and maybe make her tummy feel better. Oh, and picked up lactose free milk because this has happened before and lactose free milk made her happy.

So, I got home and let her nom some crackers then gave her the lactose free milk and put her to bed. She stayed there a while and I pumped another 3 ounces of milk while Z-meister also slept. With that, I now have 9 ounces, yay! Not much, but its a start. My Tea-Tea didn't stay in bed for long, she told me her milk was yucky and refused to drink it. She ended up out here laying on the couch, trying to fall asleep while I nursed Z. I made me a frozen pizza (real classy, Jess) and took my fenugreek pills. 2 pills every 8 hours makes three times a day. Its much easier than 2 pills at breakfast, lunch, and dinner because sometimes I forget to eat. Which is bad, but I remember eventually but I don't want to take my pills too far apart or too close together. I'm unsure if it would make a difference. Either way, I don't know if I'll get a chance to pump again tonight or not. I could squeeze (pun intended) some more time out but I'm not sure if my mind will let me.

My husband called while I was on my way to the store. We had another...clashing of the minds, so to speak. In the end, I think I won our little battle. I'm not of those nights, man. Hopefully he'll be getting a flight home tomorrow and we can talk some more.

I think its time to put Tea-Tea in her bed and go lay down. Z-meister is angry and I'm plan beat. Tomorrow is a new day to clean up the mess around here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 2: Fenugreek and a Clogged Duct

So, here it is late in the evening and both my kids (were) asleep. Earlier today I found myself out of the house while my friend watched them to run to Nature's Cupboard to get some fenugreek and blessed thistle. I also found this store has a cute little mothering shop inside too that sells all kinds of crunchy mama and baby goodies! But I was only there for two things, but I was only able to get the fenugreek. No blessed thistle. ):

Either way, I bought it and came home to make something to eat for me and TeaTea. Homemade mac 'n cheese. Not much, but neither of us were very hungry. I took two tablets as directed with my food and waited. Z-Meister had already nursed himself into a food coma and was asleep. I goofed off for a while before my daughter decided to puke all over the place for some unknown reason. I gave her a bath and cleaned up the horrible mess before she fell asleep on the couch. I waited a little bit longer and decided that since both babies were sleeping, I would go lay in my room with a pump on my boobs and Dexter on. This is when I became in pain.

After a few moments of pumping, I realized my left breast was starting to hurt. I fixed the pump, making sure it was suctioning properly when I realized was painful to touch. Oh no. A clogged duct. I closed my eyes, breathed, and relaxed. I massaged my breasts, got my milk to let down and pumped four ounces as I massaged my left breast to get the clog out. No, sadly, its not gone and I know it won't be easy to get rid of, but here's hoping to get it away before it gets infected. All this pumping and nursing should hopefully get it out before that.

Of course, when I was done to top it all off, I spilled an ounce of milk as I was getting off my bed. I cried and texted my husband that I was in pain and upset. Jerk thought it was funny that I "cried over spilled milk." It hurt to pump! I'm well within my rights to cry! Oh well. He's stuck in Utah anyway. :P So, I'm now at a tally of six ounces stored in the fridge. I'll take it to my friend when I have more. I plan to pump again in a couple hours seeing as how Z-meister is up and about. I'm sure he's wanting some nummies, too.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 1 1/2

After meeting my great new friend, SuperMommySometimes, I went home pumped. I mulled and mulled and thought and thank and geared and whatever to plan everything I needed. While I'm gung-ho with myself, I found my husband who is out on the road working, isn't too pleased with my idea after being under the impression he was okay with this. But that is not what this post is about, I'll deal with him!

My son has been latched onto me night and day lately, so yay! He's helping! But this also makes it hard to pump since I also have a two year old who needs attention. So, its difficult to pump and nurse and take care of her. My best time to pump is at night...whenever I can get my two year old to sleep as she has decided not to sleep anymore. Tonight I lucked out and managed to pump two ounces of milk while my son crashed and my daughter poked at my boobs while I tried to zone watching Dexter. I couldn't relax enough to get my milk to let down enough so the two ounces was all my boobs would produce for now. In the wee hours of this morning, at about 3AM I managed to get an ounce too. So, in total I've got three ounces in the freezer for my mama friend.

It will get easier and the first step to that starts again tomorrow. I'm going to go to the health store and buy me some fenugreek capsules. I'm hoping those, along with a lot of pumping and nursing will do the trick enough to start an oversupply.

The Beginning

This is the beginning of a new journey, the step to do something better for not only myself but for someone else. It started two years ago, actually when I had my daughter. I was determined to breastfeed, and failed in my eyes. After six months of supplementing with formula due to bad advice, my milk supply basically dried up. I researched and read and learned and educated myself to that when I had my next child, I would be able to breastfeed him/her without a drop of formula passing that babe's lips. 19 months after I had my daughter, I gave birth to my son. I was determined to breastfeed him. Exclusively. I won. So far, I have exclusively breastfed (from here on out known as EBF) him since day one and it has been six months, going on seven. No formula no nothing. It was not here to tempt me and I did not speak to anyone in the medical field who could possibly have no clue about nursing issues.

Since then, I had rented a pump to help boost my supply so that I could store milk and leave my son and daughter with a sitter for a few hours once in a while and not worry if my son would starve. I recently found out my son would not take a bottle, as I had waited too long to introduce one. I was upset and discourage that I would have to pour my precious milk down the sink, a waste of time, effort, and money. Then someone introduced me to Eats on Feets and I joined the Northwest Indiana chapter. I posted that I had twenty precious ounces to give to a lucky mama who could use it. After a count, I only had thirteen ounces, but enough for one or two gleaming bottles of mama milk. I received a message via Facebook that a local mom in the next town over was in need of my milk. It took a day or so and we planned to meet. The night before, I asked her a question that had budded in my head. Could I be her single source of milk for her little son? I wanted to know after I read her blog stating she had issues producing enough milk to support her little one. For some unknown reason, she simply couldn't produce more than a few ounces at all. I felt for her, and knew I could help. So I asked if I could be her wetnurse. She accepted. We met and I watched as she fed her adorable child the milk I had labored to pump. He sucked down every last drop, passing slowly into a milk coma with every swallow. I wanted to cry. This woman had actually written a blog post about me, and my heart soared with joy that I could do something besides sit at home.

So, here I am, chronicling my days of becoming a modern day wetnurse. I will be pumping, nursing, herbalizing, drinking (nasty) tea, and everything I can think of to over supply and produce enough milk for two babies. I want it so that little boy never has to drink another drop of formula again. He doesn't need it if I can supply real, genuine mama milk for him.