Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 2: Fenugreek and a Clogged Duct

So, here it is late in the evening and both my kids (were) asleep. Earlier today I found myself out of the house while my friend watched them to run to Nature's Cupboard to get some fenugreek and blessed thistle. I also found this store has a cute little mothering shop inside too that sells all kinds of crunchy mama and baby goodies! But I was only there for two things, but I was only able to get the fenugreek. No blessed thistle. ):

Either way, I bought it and came home to make something to eat for me and TeaTea. Homemade mac 'n cheese. Not much, but neither of us were very hungry. I took two tablets as directed with my food and waited. Z-Meister had already nursed himself into a food coma and was asleep. I goofed off for a while before my daughter decided to puke all over the place for some unknown reason. I gave her a bath and cleaned up the horrible mess before she fell asleep on the couch. I waited a little bit longer and decided that since both babies were sleeping, I would go lay in my room with a pump on my boobs and Dexter on. This is when I became in pain.

After a few moments of pumping, I realized my left breast was starting to hurt. I fixed the pump, making sure it was suctioning properly when I realized was painful to touch. Oh no. A clogged duct. I closed my eyes, breathed, and relaxed. I massaged my breasts, got my milk to let down and pumped four ounces as I massaged my left breast to get the clog out. No, sadly, its not gone and I know it won't be easy to get rid of, but here's hoping to get it away before it gets infected. All this pumping and nursing should hopefully get it out before that.

Of course, when I was done to top it all off, I spilled an ounce of milk as I was getting off my bed. I cried and texted my husband that I was in pain and upset. Jerk thought it was funny that I "cried over spilled milk." It hurt to pump! I'm well within my rights to cry! Oh well. He's stuck in Utah anyway. :P So, I'm now at a tally of six ounces stored in the fridge. I'll take it to my friend when I have more. I plan to pump again in a couple hours seeing as how Z-meister is up and about. I'm sure he's wanting some nummies, too.

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