Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 3: Slow Goings

Today has been a rather slow day. I didn't get very much sleep for some reason last night so my live-in babysitter watched Teagan while I got some more sleep. I was very thankful. Once up, I got dressed and played Battle of the Stereos with the neighbor's upstairs. :roll: I cleaned up the mess around the apartment so it would be cleaned when my husband got home.

As far as pumping and milk goes, I've only taken one dose of fenugreek tonight. I forgot until about 3PM so I'll take another in about two hours. I pumped a little bit ago but I only got one ounce, which it better than none. It would seem I nipped another clogged duct in the bud again, I've had two now since my son was born and the previously blogged about one seems to be gone. I took a hot shower last night and massage my breast. Maybe it wasn't a clogged duct, but it sure as hell hurt like one.

Today has mostly been spent with the TV off and music on, cleaning, relaxing and spending the majority nursing Z. He's been such a hungry bug as of late and with my Tea-Tea acting up its hard to do everything I need to do to boost my supply up. SuperMommySometimes gave me some tips from a LLL leader in training to help me:

Here was what my friend told me today about upping your supply (besides the Fenugreek and regular nursing of Zander):
1. When you nurse, pump the other boob while you nurse.
2. Pump 1st thing in the morning.
3. Set specific times to pump, create a routine for yourself and your body.
4. Drink lot's of water!

Those are some easy things to follow and I'm working on setting into place. Good tips, if I do say so. And I appreciate them! I appreciate any tips, actually so if any of my readers have any, I'd love to hear them!


  1. Go momma go! Good luck. Get some oatmeal too. Ask SpiderMum for that milk making cookies recipe.

  2. Steel cut oatmeal (basically, not the instant stuff) is also supposed to be good for supply. As is Mother's Milk tea.
    You're doing really well! Keep up the good work! :)
